“IS-Abel” delves into the life of Isabel Kelly, a woman who defied overwhelming odds to rise above the traumatic beginnings of her life in Northern Ireland’s care system. Abandoned by her mother at just four months old, Isabel grew up amidst emotional and physical abuse, rejection, and insecurity. Yet, her story is not one of defeat, but of hope, healing, and triumph.
At age 50, after a simple yet poignant question from her husband, Isabel began to reflect deeply on her life’s trajectory. This moment sparked an extraordinary journey of self-discovery, where she revisited the emotional scars left by three decades of turmoil. With unflinching honesty and courage, Isabel shares her struggles with seeking the right emotional support and how, over time, she found peace through the power of forgiveness. Though she failed her O’ Levels and GCSEs twice, Isabel’s determination was unshakable. She became the first foster child in the Down and Lisburn area (now South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust) to graduate from university—an incredible achievement that demonstrates her resilience and perseverance.
Isabel’s memoir is more than a tale of survival. It’s a celebration of the human spirit’s ability to thrive in the face of adversity. Her raw and uplifting narrative will resonate deeply with readers, offering both a poignant look at the challenges of growing up in the care system and a beacon of hope for those facing their own struggles.