Incubating The Trout by Kevin Prunty (978-1-0686490-7-3 ShadowScript Publications)
€12.00When we consider the multiple State Agencies and the vast amount of taxpayers’ money that the Irish Government invests in the protection of the country’s water bodies, it’s hard to fathom that nearly half of our rivers and lakes are below the required standard under environmental parameters. In January 2024, the EU Court of Justice ruled that the concentration of certain chemical compounds in Irish drinking water exceeds EU safety levels. According to the Court, trihalomethanes (THMs), chemical compounds often found in drinking water, especially in water treatment systems that use chlorine to remove bacteria and contaminants, were at a level that was dangerous to both human health and the environment. This judgement tells us that with so many pollutants going into our water, the Irish authorities have to invest in major treatment systems, which in turn are contaminating the drinking water. Would it not be better to stop the pollution at source?