Billy And The Anxiety Monster Coloring And Activity Workbook by Peter Bedard
€20.00A colouring book to help deal with your anxiety.
A colouring book to help deal with your anxiety.
In, “Billy and the Anxiety Monster How to Love Your Anxiety and Heal, A Grown-Up Book for Your Inner Child” (BAM), Peter Bedard, takes us through a simple process of working with anxiety and learning to LOVE it. With any pain, anxiety included, our society historically teaches us to attack it, to be angry with it, to cut it out, shove it aside, medicate it, or run away from it. We become frustrated and bully the parts of us that are suffering. This can create a feedback loop, causing us to feel more anxious, overwhelmed, and helpless. Inspired by a timeless quote from Rumi, the mystical poet, “The cure for pain is in the pain”, Peter takes us on another healing journey full of practical and doable concepts that can help you heal. Peter’s first book, “Convergence Healing, Healing Pain with Energetic Love” inspires the reader to stop running from their pain, to love it, and even nurture a positive relationship with it. In BAM, Peter expands this journey working with his client, Billy, who discovers how his anxiety can work for him. If you’ve ever struggled with anxiety, then this book is for you! Peter Bedard, MA, C.Ht., RScP, is a therapist based in Southern California. He lives with his dog, Mr. Fox, cat, Ash, and of course, Gryllus.
Mental Health For Millennials Vol 4 (On Wellbeing) is part of a 7 series volume collection (with 2017-2023 publications dates). It contains chapters written by twenty contributors from Ireland, Northern Ireland, Switzerland and the UK on aspects of mental health and wellness for millennials. Themes covered include wellbeing, positive habit formation, finding one’s signature strength, wellbeing in activity participation, anxiety, finding balance in millennial life, personal reflections on wellbeing, bullying, media manipulation, flow and flourishing, reflections, generational musings on wellbeing, culinary curiosity, self-care, qualifying happiness, resilience, seeking Sláinte, wellbeing in sport, homelessness, letting go in the COVID-19 era, finding one’s tribe to thrive, concepts of beauty and poetic reflections. Series Editors are Dr. Niall MacGiolla Bhuí and Dr. Phil Noone and the guest volume assistant editor is Giselle Marrinan.
The final book in our Mental Health For Millennials series. This book has the theme of ‘being in the moment’. Twelve contributing authors from various backgrounds take different perspectives on how they approach being in the moment and adopting a mindfulness perspective.
Available from October 5th. The purpose of this TheDocCheck.Com Mental Health for Millennials Series is to encourage us all to read current material on various themes related to millennial life that is grounded in experience, with a backdrop in theory, written in a style that is fully accessible, interesting and genuinely meaningful to the daily experiences of us all. This is book six of our series with one more book scheduled to follow (2017-2023). We included the guest chapters in this book because we all believe the themes of hope and inclusion, in the context of millennials, deserves greater attention. Our aspiration is that these books will facilitate readers to un- derstand in a little more detail, the dynamics of millennial life as it is experienced, through providing frameworks for conceptualisation and practice.This series is designed to be useful for: 1) the individual looking to enhance their knowledge about millennials and mental health and wellness 2) the interested professional who does not want to read purely theoretical material.
At times, we wonder how it all happened, how we got to this point in our lives. We began to think about why this had happened to us, what we had done to deserve this. It took us years to realise that nothing we had done had caused this; it was simply a result of things beyond our control.
It could be so easy to label ourselves as victims. To be honest, we felt life had let us down. We have very sick children with a disease that cannot be cured. We learned that they also have autism and then another blow; I was also given a serious diagnosis. Any person with all of this weight to carry might well feel like a victim, so why shouldn’t we? Why shouldn’t we both say “why me?” We’re sure many parents of children with autism reading this book may well feel the same. It’s ok to say this. In fact, we believe it’s crucial that you do. Saying it out loud both allows you to admit it and then deal with it. We were victims, if we even use that word, of a difficult and deeply complex set of circumstances. We have discovered, however, that there is more to this; it doesn’t end here, not like this, not for us. This admission helped us to feel empowered, and to believe that we could, somehow, find a way through the highs and lows in this story called “life.” But. More challenges were to come the way of our family unit. More of this later.
Mental Health For Millennials Vol 4 (On Wellbeing) is part of a 7 series volume collection (with 2017-2023 publications dates). It contains chapters written by twenty contributors from Ireland, Northern Ireland, Switzerland and the UK on aspects of mental health and wellness for millennials. Themes covered include wellbeing, positive habit formation, finding one’s signature strength, wellbeing in activity participation, anxiety, finding balance in millennial life, personal reflections on wellbeing, bullying, media manipulation, flow and flourishing, reflections, generational musings on wellbeing, culinary curiosity, self-care, qualifying happiness, resilience, seeking Sláinte, wellbeing in sport, homelessness, letting go in the COVID-19 era, finding one’s tribe to thrive, concepts of beauty and poetic reflections. Series Editors are Dr. Niall MacGiolla Bhuí and Dr. Phil Noone and the guest volume assistant editor is Giselle Marrinan.
This is a book I recommend for everyone to read. It offers us insights into how to recalibrate our lives, particularly relevant in our current pandemic COVID-19 world. We have, in my view, reached Another Zero.This book has landed into our laps right now when we most need Giselle’s intuitive knowing to help and guide us on our way. Giselle is a fountain of wisdom. This book is written from the ‘heart-space’ of a very authentic woman who details how she moved from the high achieving corporate work-space to one as a life coach where she uses her sensitivity, her connectivity and her loving-kindness to help others seek and find their true potential in life. Giselle’s writing reflects clear emotional depth, powerful insights into how we can enhance our well-being and reach our full potential. It uses a unique style with thought provoking questions on how we can, perhaps, make clearer choices and small changes that may result in greater happiness. It offers tips and advice that can be utilised to reset the balance in our lives.It is written in a very engaging style. – Dr. Phil Noone
This is the second book on mental health for millennials covering a wide range of topics including flow in psychology, self-care, meditation, the benefits of dance and music, shared leadership, the woke generation, anxiety, loss and grief, intuition, eating disorders and narcissism.