Chapter 3
All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream.Edgar Allen Poe
Under the moonlight, Moon Dancing flew between the shadows seeking the hidden pond in the forest. Considering the incredible experiences, the fairy had to decide if her choice to serve the White Knight Castle was best for her growth. In three nights, the full Mother Moon would make her appearance. Sound sleep was necessary to enter the land of dreams to see if she could get some answers to her lingering questions.
Dreamland allowed Moon Dancing to drift into her own private kingdom. She knew that there, in the land of spirit, she was betwixt the Physical and the Spiritual Worlds. Her communication from the King revealed that dreams are a sharing of energy without the physical body. She also learned through past experience that her dreams sent messages for self-discovery and guidance from the Spiritual World.
Dream interpretation was becoming an important part of her life. The fairy learned that the real power of the dream language was the symbology. Indeed, it was sometimes tricky to understand the symbolic meaning of her dreams, but she actually enjoyed putting the puzzle pieces together. In her early-on interpretations, she created a stir in her kingdom more than once because she had misinterpreted her dreams. Yet, breakdown and blunder was part of her learning process.
Occasionally, Moon Dancing had prophetic dreams. There were nights in which she saw forthcoming events with herself and others that were close to her. She was still learning to trust this sixth-sense of hers.
“It would be delightful if others realized the worth of their dreams,” she stated aloud.In many of her dreams, the fairy noticed numbers or sets of objects. When she woke up, she always remembered thenumbers and grouped objects. So she researched additional relevance of numbers to assist in the dream interpretation. She learned that numerology was simply the study of the significance of numbers. Each number had a meaningful message. The fairy combined her personal knowledge of symbology and numerology to daily interactions on land, sky and sea.
Moon Dancing decided to put in dream requests for spiritual guidance each night until she was to return to the castle. She wanted clarity on the evolving connection to the White Knight. The dream messages started immediately.
The first dream involved the White Knight literally lifting her high up over his head. The fairy felt a rush of ecstasy. This feeling was encouraging but it was followed by a series of dreams that showed upcoming knightmares.
The nocturnal messages revealed chaos at the White Knight Castle. The faces of the knight’s entourage suggested hostility. In one scene, the fairy saw herself being dragged by her hair over the castle drawbridge. It was so real that she could feel each bump on every log. The dream evidence indicated that she was not wanted at the castle.
Oddly enough, Moon Dancing felt empowered in some of her dreams. She saw herself changing things on the walls inside the castle. In one scene, she actually watched herself talking to the White Knight and somehow she knew that her presence in his kingdom would be a catalyst of change for more than herself.After the friendly welcome of the lads and lasses at the festival, Moon Dancing felt that others might be open to her services. It was the White Knight’s personal dragonet and attendants who had not received her well. She had to remind herself that the days of needing approval from others were over.
In another dreamscape near a sea of water, the fairy stood on a beach with the White Knight walking toward her. As he got closer, she saw he was wearing one black and one white sandal. In the sea, she noticed sharks with dagger teeth bared as they lunged out of the water toward them. However, the meaning in this dream was one she would not piece together until later.
On the last night prior to her return to the castle, the fairy was prompted to make a decision based on all of her dreams. The final dream revealed a face-off between Moon Dancing and the White Knight. This vision showed her examining his face and the golden ring he had given her. She awoke to reexamine the offers made by the knight. The dream messages confirmed that there was trouble brewing at the White Knight Castle.