Austin Berry, the former Mayor of Athlone, published his autobiography with the evocative title ‘Stepping Back In Time’ in May 2012. Eight decades living in the rural and urban midlands, encompassing many years in the army, award-winning music playing and a career in politics, is now documented in ‘Stepping Back in Time’. The book is…


Ivan Morris has published several books already on golf themes including Only Golf Spoken Here and The Dooonbeg Ghosts and has recently come to Book Hub Publishing. Awarded the Golf Nut of the Year title by the Golf Nut Society of America in 2002, Limerick man, Ivan Morris, is the quintessential, avid golfer. Morris is…


Glori Wolfe, a retired school teacher from the United States, has published a trilogy of ebooks with us featuring the central character of Moon Dancing in A Divine Fairy’s Tale 1, 2 and 3. All are available in ebook format from Amazon.


Dr. Lew Graham, an American shaman based in the beautiful state of Hawaii, has published Gnosis: The Story of How We Begin To Remember with us. Lew Graham was trained first as a scientist and later as a shaman in Huna and Native American magic. His books fuse science and spirituality into a seamless chronological…


Christine Moran, a psychotherapist based in the midlands in Ireland and Director of the International College for Personal and Professional Development in Athlone, Co. Westmeath, has published a book of spiritual affirmations with us called Dear Precious Being. The book is beautifully presented with bespoke black and white photography.


Dr Mary Helen Hensley, is an American metaphysical healer originally from Martinsville, Virginia. She is a motivational speaker based in Athlone, Ireland for the past fourteen years and is a bestselling author with us with all of her books gone to reprint. Mary Helen has published three books with us in her Hub Trilogy titled…